Youtube Affiliate Marketing

Using Youtube is an excellent way to go about Affiliate Marketing! Youtube is the biggest “search engine” out there after Google, so there will be plenty of opportunity to get your content out. 

When something ranks well within Youtube’s search it also shows up directly in Google’s search results. Google owns Youtube and likes sending people over to the platform from their search results page where they can “keep them in their system”. 

This means that if you get something good happening on Youtube (which isn’t too hard to do) you’ll also be getting some organic search results on Google, so you’ll get awesome traffic that’s looking for exactly what you have to offer!

When you think about it, video content is taking over more and more. Also when you search Google these days you are always seeing those videos on Youtube showing up in the search results!

That could be YOU soon if you choose Youtube as your method of Affiliate Marketing! You may think that Youtube is “saturated” or overcrowded. That is not the case period. It grows like crazy every year.

Think it’s “played out” for Affiliate Marketing? Get this…just 0.67% of Youtube videos even contain an Affiliate Link!  Less than 1 percent! This will be a great place for your Affiliate Marketing efforts for a LONG time to come.

Youtube allows you to embed your affiliate links within videos themselves, in the description section of each video, and within the “about ” section of your channel. There are other less known ways to capitalize as well.

We at really like Youtube Affiliate Marketing. We have found it to be quite easy to get good traction compared to some other methods.

This is for sure a method that works well and has an enormously bright future ahead. It doesn’t matter if you have no idea how to go about it at first, it’s fairly simple to learn all that you need to know to begin making money.

This is a well established method that you would think would be thoroughly utilized but the fact is less than 1 percent of all videos contain Affiliate Links! That’s a VERY low adoption rate!  10 years from now people will be looking back at this era as “the best time to go into Youtube Affiliate Marketing”! Do it now!

If you choose Youtube Affiliate Marketing as your method you’ll be making videos, putting them on Youtube with your affiliate links in the videos themselves, in your video descriptions, and in your about and comments sections.

People search Youtube (or Google), find your videos, click your links and you make money.  Simple as that!

Youtube Affiliate Marketing can be learned “the hard way”…by researching and sifting through all of the information that is out there by yourself, or the “easy way”…taking a Youtube course provided by an expert. 

A person can certainly be successful either way. I personally started by taking a course that got me going in this exciting form of Affiliate Marketing. It was very nice to have a step by step along the way. I learned lots of tricks and secrets that I am pretty sure I would have never discovered on my own.

Whether you take a course or figure it out on your own Youtube is for sure an excellent way to get involved with Affiliate Marketing. It’s on our list for a reason…it works and works well.

If you want to learn Youtube from a true expert look no further than Matt Par. This guys is so young you may think “what can he teach me?”…well, I can tell you, you’d be wrong to dismiss the guy.

He runs 9 Youtube channels and makes tons of money and what’s more is that he has a Youtube monetization course that teaches all he knows.  I personally went through the course and learned this form of Affiliate Marketing and man am I glad I did!

This guy Matt Par is a dynamo and he has put together a course that is truly excellent. You can tell he put in an absolute ton of work putting the course all together. It is super thorough.

It makes everything perfectly clear and puts it all into a simple step by step presentation that makes it very easy to just go down the line and get it all done.

If Youtube seems like it would be a good method for you, then I strongly recommend Mat Parr’s Youtube course. I found it after a friend I met at an Affiliate Marketing conference told me how great he was doing on Youtube. 

I saw the Youtube stats and was very eager to get involved. But I’m not a “showboater” so I initially dismissed Youtube for me despite knowing it is a great place to make money with Affiliate Marketing!

When I found Matt Par and saw where he said “you don’t have to show your face or show up in any videos to make money on Youtube!” I changed my mind. I wanted in. I took the course.

Today I have 4 faceless Youtube channels making me money with Affiliate Marketing! I credit Matt Par for his expertise. I made back what the course cost in a couple months and have accelerated my earnings since. 

It truly is a great method! It’s good you can do so well without actually appearing in videos or I would have skipped this method. But if you don’t mind appearing on Youtube, it can be even easier to make money Matt says. (I’ve done great never appearing.)

I’ve done so well with this I highly recommend you purchase Matt Par’s Youtube course TODAY and get going! You won’t be sorry!

Matt Pars Youtube Course