How Many Subscribers Do You Need to Make Money on YouTube

How Many Subscribers Do You Need to Make Money on YouTube?

How Many Subscribers Do You Need to Make Money on YouTube

How Many Subscribers Do You Need to Make Money on YouTube?  That’s the topic of today’s post!

Hello, this is Rich with the Independent Passive Income site! 

We believe that everyone should be shown how simple it can be to make their own independent passive income online!  

We teach a simple step-by-step program free on our site,  I’ll leave a link below so check us out!

How Many Subscribers Do You Need to Make Money on YouTube?

If you are new to making money online or have been at it for a while, you may be wondering how many subscribers you actually need before you can start making money on YouTube. 

As you may have guessed, there is more than one way to approach that question. 

Some videos go viral with millions of views and make very little money while other videos may have only a few hundred views and earn more? 

What is the catch?

Many will tell you that to make money with YouTube, you must join the YouTube Partner Program.

It is true that this is a monetization program that allows YouTube video creators make money when people view their videos through advertisements. 

However, to be considered for the YouTube Partner Program, you have to have at least 4,000 watch hours in the last year AND 1,000 subscribers.

Upon meeting these requirements, you are then eligible to begin the application process.  

1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watched hours in 12 months may seem like overwhelming requirements if you are just starting or if your videos are in a very specific niche. 

Good News For Those With Few Subscribers!

But, the good news is this is not the only way to make money on YouTube! 

Stay with me a little longer and we will discuss the best way to make money with YouTube. 

But to answer the question, how many subscribers do you need to make money on YouTube, it seems as though having 1,000 subscribers is the answer, at least to join the official youtube partner program. 

That isn’t the only answer or should I say, the only way to make money with YouTube.

Now back to the YouTube Partner Program that you can apply to be part of once you have met their requirements of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours. 

When you are part of their program, it is then recommended that you sign up with Google AdSense. 

You can choose what kind of ads and videos you want to use to monetize your content; this includes such options as commercials that play before your video, a banner underneath your video, or an ad above suggested videos on the right. 

The Fastest Way To Make Money On Youtube!

This is tried, true and legitimate, BUT, painfully slow and the amount you make per view is miniscule. 

Here at, we are all about helping people make money online with little to no money out of pocket. 

For that reason alone, we do not recommend this path for our viewers.   

We recommend another way to make money on youtube….Affiliate marketing!  With affiliate marketing you can make money with NO SUBSCRIBERS and with only one video on your channel! 

This is how we like it!

However, if you truly want to make YouTube videos that go viral or at least attract a substantial number of views, we recommend you check out Matt Par! 

We have an article about him on our site…. 

He has lots of free info that will really help you and he has a paid course we strongly recommend. 

In fact, we took his Tube Mastery and Monetization course and it was  very good!

Learn Youtube Affiliate Marketing!

Since we believe that everyone should learn how to make money online without spending any money, we strongly encourage everyone to learn and implement YouTube Affiliate Marketing. 

For us, it has been a game changer in making money online without spending a penny. 

We have a page on our site dedicated to youtube affiliate marketing, check it out if you want to make big money on youtube with ZERO subscribers and only a few videos on your channel!

If you want to learn more about making money online with YouTube, or if you are interested in other affiliate marketing methods that work, see our site, 

I’m going to leave a link in the description & comment section down below.

We teach a free and simple step by step method of affiliate marketing that gets you on the right track and keeps you there until you make your first commission online!

We have tons of FREE information about affiliate marketing on our site!

This is Rich,

Thanks for reading!

We want EVERYONE to start their own successful online business!  Here are a few resources that might help you once you start your affiliate marketing business as we teach at our site!

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